Thursday, November 8, 2018


This was filmed in 2003 and stars Joseph Fiennes. My pastor's wife had talked about it a few weeks back and I was curious, so I checked it out from the library.

I thought it was powerful! I really enjoyed watching it. After, though, I had to do a little research. My knowledge of Martin Luther and the Reformation is pretty limited . . .

Most of the online commentary I read pointed out that Luther was not so doubt-riddled or gentle. He was known for being fiery to the point of combativeness. In addition to the 95 Theses, he wrote extensively! I had not known about him translating the Bible from Latin into German so that common people could read God's Word for themselves.

Even though the film may have taken some liberties with historical accuracy, I still enjoyed it and the way it made me think of people who are turned off from organized religion because of the power, wealth, and other abuses throughout history. Jesus himself would not have condoned "indulgences" that made the Catholic church so wealthy.

It was disappointing to read online that Luther wrote quite a bit of anti-semitic ranting later in life. I wish he'd stuck to the gospel!

I'm eager to talk with my daughter-in-law Angela who is a Lutheran pastor. I'm sure she has much more perspective on Luther (the man and the movie) than what I've gleaned!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dr. Zhivago

Watching this movie was also triggered by my reading Stalin's Daughter and thinking "I've heard of this movie / book for decades, but don't really know what it's about." And then I was at the shower for Angela and one of the love song clues was "Lara's Theme" - I knew right away it was from Dr. Zhivago . . . but how? From crossword puzzles?

So I finally borrowed it from the library. And then I kept renewing it because I didn't have time to watch it. And then Louie and I started to watch it, but had trouble with our DVD/Bluray player. Then I watched it on my laptop . . . and after two hours was only at the intermission!!!

In that first half of the movie, I was confused. Why does Lara become her mother's boyfriend's lover? She is initially uncomfortable with him and he's a creep! Then when I ran out of time, I decided to read the summary version on Wikipedia. Ah. That helped. But it also made me decide to NOT read the book. I feel as though I have a better understanding of the storyline (by no means a thorough one!) and I do not have a burning need to read Pasternak's original work <nor the translated version in English since I don't read Russian!!>

I liked seeing the young Omar Sharif, Julie Christie, etc. I liked getting a sense of the historical perspective. 

Here's a blurb from Wikipedia (10.7.16) on the novel:
"The plot of Doctor Zhivago is long and intricate. It can be difficult to follow for two main reasons: first, Pasternak employs many characters, who interact with each other throughout the book in unpredictable ways, and second, he frequently introduces a character by one of his/her three names, then subsequently refers to that character by another of the three names or a nickname, without expressly stating that he is referring to the same character. To avoid this confusion, the summary below uses a character's full name when the character is first introduced."

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I finally watched it! I've had this movie home for over a year . . . (Our Adventures kids watched it before Christmas break LAST year) and have finally viewed it. It's over two hours long and goes incredibly well with the book "The Hot Zone" (which I read last year). The movie stars Dustin Hoffman, Rene Russo, Donald Sutherland, Cuba Gooding Jr., Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, and many others! What a great cast. I'm glad it's fiction, and I hope we never ever have to deal with such a deadly virus. Last year, the ebola outbreak was so timely and relevant to our students' study of viruses. Great movie, though I got a bit tired of Dustin Hoffman's "angry yelling man" character . . .

Daddy Long Legs

First, I need to say that I am horrible about movie blogging . . . as in, I shouldn't even bother trying! It's not that I watch many movies. It's just that watching them is usually more of a kick-back, relax, escapism moment. However, I blogged about the books related to this movie AND I grabbed an image of the cover, so I'm impelled.

I don't find Fred Astaire to be very attractive, but he is an amazing dancer. I like more old-fashioned movies too. But the movie is quite a bit different from the book and I'm not a huge fan of older guy attracted to younger gal. Still, it was fun to watch.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Another James Dean movie. I didn't have time to watch all the extras. I liked it, even though it was more of a Rock Hudson / Elizabeth Taylor story. Interesting how racism and women's rights were woven throughout. I'm not sure what era it was set in . . . I enjoyed it but it was over two hours long!

Monday, October 6, 2014

East of Eden

Hennepin County Library
Based on the book by John Steinbeck
Directed by Elia Kazan
Starring James Dean, Julie Harris, and Raymond Massey
117 minutes

Plus a second disc of extras - mostly about James Dean - Forever James Dean was almost an hour long.

I haven't read East of Eden in a long, long time and I didn't really remember it. Kazan focused on the last quarter of the book, but the heart of this movie is the Cain and Abel relationship between Cal and Aron, as well as their father's love for one and disdain for the other (I kept thinking of Jacob and Esau). I enjoyed this story much more than Rebel Without a Cause.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Rebel Without a Cause

borrowed from the Hennepin County Library
starring James Dean and Natalie Wood
also Sal Mineo and Jim Backus

Again, I had to watch this because I've heard of it for so many years and was curious. Louie and Lou watched it with me. Lou enjoyed it but Louie wasn't impressed. It made me wonder how much of the movie's popularity was due to the cultural impact at the time and how much was due to James Dean's early death.

I'm watching the extras and history behind it now . . . but feeling the need to move on with my evening. It is really interesting to hear the interviews.

Basically, it's a movie about teenage angst and alienation. Jim Stark (Dean) doesn't respect his domineering mother or passive father. He refers to his home as a "zoo." Judy (Wood) is rebellious and angry with her father for his lack of affection and attention.