Thursday, November 8, 2018


This was filmed in 2003 and stars Joseph Fiennes. My pastor's wife had talked about it a few weeks back and I was curious, so I checked it out from the library.

I thought it was powerful! I really enjoyed watching it. After, though, I had to do a little research. My knowledge of Martin Luther and the Reformation is pretty limited . . .

Most of the online commentary I read pointed out that Luther was not so doubt-riddled or gentle. He was known for being fiery to the point of combativeness. In addition to the 95 Theses, he wrote extensively! I had not known about him translating the Bible from Latin into German so that common people could read God's Word for themselves.

Even though the film may have taken some liberties with historical accuracy, I still enjoyed it and the way it made me think of people who are turned off from organized religion because of the power, wealth, and other abuses throughout history. Jesus himself would not have condoned "indulgences" that made the Catholic church so wealthy.

It was disappointing to read online that Luther wrote quite a bit of anti-semitic ranting later in life. I wish he'd stuck to the gospel!

I'm eager to talk with my daughter-in-law Angela who is a Lutheran pastor. I'm sure she has much more perspective on Luther (the man and the movie) than what I've gleaned!